35 Matches
1954 Minutes
8 Goals
5 Assists
244.25 Minutes/Goal
150.3 Minutes/G+A
Harga 32.5 M Pound
Gaji 120k/weeks
Benteke "I cannot understand why I am not playing" > Here is one of the many reasons why....— LFCMostar (@LFCMostar) March 23, 2016
Big Ben..leh dianggap antara player yg gagal di liverpool,nmpknya badi no 9 msih bterusan slps pninggalan Torres..tlalu mnunggu bola n kurg bgerak..ada sbbnya klopp x peduli kn dia,tp pd sy,itu bkn faktor utk dia berasa ttekan krna x dpdulikan..dia kna kaji blik apa yg x kna sbb aubameyang pon pnh kna mcm ni dgn klopp..cheers..YNWA